
Steinar í öllum stærðum

Steinar í öllum stærðum

Verð 34.990 ISK
Verð Verð með afslætti 34.990 ISK
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Whether you’re in the garden, in the pool, at the lake, or by the sea, you’re sure to make unforgettable summer memories with our Summer Rainbow Set. The Elements are perfect for water, mud, and sand games.

The ingenious layering principle makes the set ideal to take with you on the go. The clever stacking design is perfect for travel – whether you’re going by bike, car, or stowing it away in your checked-in bag. The set is compact, light as a feather, and, best of all, ensures you’ll always have a variety of game options to hand.

  • Safe stacking elements: no sharp corners or edges, water-, saliva- and UV-resistant 
  • Stapelstein® Original elements are 0.4 light and can support up to 396 lb in weight
  • Stapelstein® Boards are 0.6 light and can support up to 264 lb    
  • Stapelstein® elements are made of eco-friendly EPP (expandable polypropylene) 
  • Is compatible with all Stapelstein® products 
  • Color of the actual products may differ from that on the screen, due to lighting conditions during product photography and different screen settings. 

If you want to use Stapelstein® products for balance games and for courses, it is best to do so on a level and non-slip surface. Stack the Stapelstein® elements only as high as you feel safe. We recommend that you stack a maximum of 3 elements if you want to climb a tower on foot.

Products from Stapelstein® are waterproof and can be taken into the water. However, they do not replace a buoyancy aid! Young children must be supervised when playing in the water with products from Stapelstein®.

Pointed objects and surfaces such as scissors, stones, knives, nails, wire or small pointed children's teeth can leave permanent marks on Stapelstein® products. Particularly severe damage can affect the stability.

Maximum load Stapelstein® Original: 396 lbs
Maximum load Stapelstein® Board: 264 lbs


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Afhendingartími er alla jafna 1-3 virkir dagar.


Skilafrestur er 14 dagar frá kaupum. Vöru fæst aðeins skilað sé hún ónotuð og í upprunalegum umbúðum. Tilkynna skal vöruskil á Boðið er upp á endurgreiðslu eða vöruskipti. Endurgreiðsla er gerð í sama formi og greitt var fyrir vöruna. Aðeins er endurgreitt á þann aðila sem greiddi fyrir vöruna upphaflega, sá sem fær vöru að gjöf getur því aðeins krafist vöruskipta en ekki endurgreiðslu. Athugið að kaupandi ber ábyrgð á sendingunni þar til hún hefur borist Hulunni. Heimsendingargjald fæst ekki endurgreitt. Útsöluvörum er ekki hægt að skila né skipta.

Vinsamlegast athugið að endurgreiðsla er eingöngu í boði innan 14 daga frá kaupum. Vörur sem eru með skiptimiða (gjafir) er hægt að skila innan skilafrests sem gefinn er upp á skiptimiða og er þá boðið upp á vöruskipti eða inneignarnótu. 

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