
Sophie Gíraffi

Sophie Gíraffi

Verð 5.190 ISK
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Sophie la girafe is the intergenerational icon and baby's must-have companion!
Presented in an attractive box with a transparent window, it is made of 100% natural rubber and food contact paint, and is safe to chew.
The Sophie la girafe icon will awaken all of baby's senses:

  • Sight: Thanks to her dark and contrasting spots all over her body, she attracts baby's gaze and becomes a familiar and reassuring object for baby who recognizes her easily.
  • Hearing: Equipped with a whistle, it amuses and stimulates baby's hearing and helps him understand the relationship between cause and effect.
  • The taste: Flexible and equipped with many parts to chew (ears, horns, legs), it is ideal to relieve the gums of baby during teething.
  • Feel: Lightweight, it is perfectly adapted to baby's small hands and its long legs and neck make it easy to grasp. Her softness, like her mother's skin, reassures and brings baby physiological and emotional reactions that will soothe her.
  • Smell: The particular scent of natural rubber from the Hevea tree gives it a real peculiarity, which makes it easier for the child to identify it among all his other toys.

Did you know that?
Your Sophie la girafe is unique! It has a number and its hand-painted spots may vary from one model to another. Your baby is unique, so is his Sophie la girafe ! Sold all over the world, it accompanies the growth of millions of babies and is, for more than 60 years, the undisputed star of the little ones. 

Care tip: clean this toy with soapy water and a damp cloth.

Âage: 0 m +. 

Dimensions :
Box: l14 x h25 x p5 cm
Sophie: l9 x h18 cm


Frí heimsending ef verslað er fyrir 10.000kr eða meira.

Afhendingartími er alla jafna 1-3 virkir dagar.


Skilafrestur er 14 dagar frá kaupum. Vöru fæst aðeins skilað sé hún ónotuð og í upprunalegum umbúðum. Tilkynna skal vöruskil á Boðið er upp á endurgreiðslu eða vöruskipti. Endurgreiðsla er gerð í sama formi og greitt var fyrir vöruna. Aðeins er endurgreitt á þann aðila sem greiddi fyrir vöruna upphaflega, sá sem fær vöru að gjöf getur því aðeins krafist vöruskipta en ekki endurgreiðslu. Athugið að kaupandi ber ábyrgð á sendingunni þar til hún hefur borist Hulunni. Heimsendingargjald fæst ekki endurgreitt. Útsöluvörum er ekki hægt að skila né skipta.

Vinsamlegast athugið að endurgreiðsla er eingöngu í boði innan 14 daga frá kaupum. Vörur sem eru með skiptimiða (gjafir) er hægt að skila innan skilafrests sem gefinn er upp á skiptimiða og er þá boðið upp á vöruskipti eða inneignarnótu. 

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