Þar sem Jellycat fagnar 25 árum í ár, höfum við ákveðið að bjóða upp á 25% afslátt af Jellycat dagana 1-15 maí 2024.

Afmælisútgáfan er ótrúelga falleg. Azure, lúxus útgáfan af Jellycat er með enn mýkri áferð, gullþráðum í nebbannum, extra fluffy hvítt skott & merkt með gullmiða. 



Uppáhalds Jellycat fagnar 25 ára afmælinu sínu. Að gefnu tilefni ætlum við... 

Púsl & Spil


Saga Glo Pals er dásamleg:

"The Glo Pals were inspired by an autistic child who was terrified of the bath. His mother used the technology behind the Glo Pals to encourage him to overcome his fear and learn to love bath time. His story influenced the development of the Glo Pal characters and our mission to create a product that would engage children in sensory exercises and brighten bath time".

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